M&M's with the red and green removed for christmas Well the last week or so has been ridicoulously busy. i have been catching up with old friends, meeting new friends, drinking like a fish, and trying various new things. On Monday i went for sushi with jules, then we went back to her house to watch the Stewie Griffith movie, and fool around. I also got her two presents a small wallet from j. crew, and a vegetarian cookbook. she got me nothing. After the movie as we were fooling around, i was passionate and graicous, however she was not as accommodating. I decided than that she was not romantic enough for me, amoung other faults that i have found. Then on thursday she called and bitched me out for not calling back sooner, even though i told her i would be busy with friends i only see once a year. So yeah i am competely through with her.
On Tuesday, i hung out with Aaron Bell, and Adam Taff. First we went to adam's and finished a bottle of vodka, then we picked up some "pizza toppings" (as Aaron calls them), ate them, and went to Aaron's friend Alex's house because she was having a party. The party was hilariously ackward, we were kinda drunk, loud, rowdy, and giddy. Alex's friends at the party were all speaking in whispers, passing around photo albums, not drinking, and not talking to us. After about 30 ackward minutes and being the only ones to drink some of Alex's beers, me and aaron started to roll, and this made the party alot more fun. But we were ready to leave and then just as were about to go a cop pulled over a car right next to our car, so since we had been drinking, etc. we decided to wait until they left. Then we left to go to a party at ira's place in Waukesha. When we got there Aaron and i were in quite a good mood, everything was hilarious, and everything was beautiful. The party was largely populated with Tosa West kids a grade or two younger than us and it was very odd seeing all the faces i recognized but didn't know by name, and seeing what the years had done to them. We played moosehead, drank, socialized, i marveled at all the beauty i saw due to my state of mind, i took ALOT of pictures, i pschoanalyzed and felt fairly confident reading the various people at the party people.
It is trully amazing watching Aaron with people because he can connect with virtually everyone and it seems like his goal while interacting with people is to amaze them, and he is surprisinly good at it. He shows interest in them and finds a topic they mutually enjoy and listens to them and then he relates a similar experience of his and is able to hold their interest amazingly well. Furthermore, he is also able to talk circles around most people and use lots of various psychology tricks and philosophy jargon but do so in a way where they don't lose interest. He is also surprisingly passive when an argument arises. Even if he is obviously correct, and could easily show the other person they are wrong, he admits they might be right and almost never gets into to an argument. He is the one of the most interesting people i know, and one of the smartest and most talented. Over the break i have spent some time with Aaron and we have had alot of great philosophical and psychological conversations and it has been great to have that type of conversations with someone. Even though i have studied no philosophy and only had 1 high school class of psychology i am fairly philosophical and interested in psychology and often think about these types of issues, unfortunately i don't have many people and it is very refreshing talking about these things with Aaron. I have also learned that i psychoanalyze people quite frequently, especially in large social situations like parties, i am very content to sit in the corner and just watch and analyze what people are doing and why.On Thursday John's parents had their 25th wedding anniversary party at Mount Mary. It was a fun time and i drank quite alot of beer, i also meet Whitney. She is also one of Liz's (John's sister) best friends, and we talked alot at the party. We really connected and had alot in common, i was impressed by many things about her, and i got her number at the end of the night.
On Friday i hung out with Mark Hemauer. We went to go see "The Squid and the Whale"(8.2, very good story about divorce in 1980's new york, amazingly realistic), then went to Atomic Records, then went to Mayfair, and ate dinner at Maggiano's, god damn their lasagna is amazing. Then Mark hung out with Bobby D, and i went to a party at my friend Matt Marino's. It was a fun party, alot of good food, darrell gave me a london pharmy, matt gave me a christmas present to my surprise (an awesome flask), and it was just a real fun chill time.
John's Bruise from Christmas when he was telling everyone to punch him in his shoulder
Guy at Marino's party who chugged half a bottle of Tequila to impress a girl.It didn't work.
On Saturday was New Years. Me and Aaron picked up some "pizza toppings" and ate a few and then went over to Schleichers. The whole Tosa West crew was there including wahn, tresca, michelle, kyle, karin, hartman, schoop, jeremy j, caitlin, molly, etc. My favorite moment was when julie perreth and her friend teresa walked in dressed very goth and wild, not preppy like everyone else, and everyone just froze and stared for a few seconds. Julie let me into the art museum for free during the summer and we talked about art then and again at the party. I probably talked one on one more with her than any one else at the party, she was very nice and interesting and she invited Aaron and i to a warehouse party on 6th and national. We eventually left and went to Aaron's cousin's house and drank and partied their for a while. Then we left and went to 6th and national, but the party was kinda sketchy and Julie and her friend never went, so went went back to schleichers and hung their for a while.