Monday, November 27, 2006

Giving Thanks

Measurements cheat sheet
Soul Kiss
hang loose
chicken wing
(Bob you're going to have to title this one)
(with a light purple tint added,
i can't decide which i like better)
sans Flash
Beer Feet
Does it Satisfies?
Quotation Marks or Nixon Impression?
Nixon Impression
Hugging or Wrestling or both
Sheba wants to play too
a Gusting Puff
Interesting Lighting
(no Manipulation)
Too much Turkey
the Beautiful Red light source
a Wafting Puff
Why the grin?
Sheba watching John
Sheba watching me
Thanksgiving with Grandparents
Test photo
(before i took actual family photo with me included,
not my idea,
i had planned to take more interesting photos from Thanksgiving at my Grandparents house,
but after i took a few shots, my parents both gave me glaring looks,
i put my camera away,
and gave them a glaring look, and cussed then out,
silently of course, but they could surely read my lips,
it was a pretty quiet meal, i was visibly upset the whole time,
so later my father suggested we take a family photo,
his attempt to make amends, i didn't work,
but at least i got this happy family photo,
and once we got home i continued bitching them out,
They apologized)

The other photos are from a party that evening at my friend John's house

Friday, November 17, 2006

Beautiful Moments in Europe that included People

Oshkosh b'Gosh
(I also really really love this one,
i kinda wish i submitted this one)

Herbert Herbst
(Rachel i hope you got it,
for everyone else Herbst means Fall,
as in the season)

Smear the Smusen
(Smusen means Queer or Odd in Croatian,
and the photo was taken in Dubrovnik, Croatia)

Here are some of the portraits i took in Europe, or rather photos i took that included people, or rather beautiful moments in Europe that included people. Previously i was going through all my photos from Europe by city, but i found out about a Photo contest, Hey Hot Shot, and decided to submit, so i than began to try and find a coherent theme in some of my photos, and choose portraiture. Even though i don't often take portraits i did take some in Europe, i realized i took more photos of people, because in Europe i felt anonymous, and i was a tourist, and able to take photos without people posing for the camera. I really hate that fake smile posing, but i hate the portraits where everyone has a pouty/serious expression even more. i find it much more interesting and beautiful to catch the person acting naturally in a situation. Anyway the last three photos are the ones i submitted, i like the last one the best, but it was really hard trying to pick two others from the other 40 something. Of course, i am second guessing myself, but i just hope they are decent enough to be selected. I do want to thank all my faithful friends and readers for all your support and prodding to enter or submit my photos somewhere.