Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Festivus

Rusty on Christmas

i finally came home from La Crosse last Thursday and i am way more happy to be home from La Crosse, than to be done with school. But i suspect that may change once the reality of the end of my education sets in. I have had a great time back in Tosa, and been mucha inebriated every night since. On Friday i went out with casey, john, mark, and marino, then jules came out to meet us at the BBC which was very nice and sweet of her and an absolute pleasure seeing her again. Furthermore, she got along very well with my friends and they all liked each other. On Christmas eve we went to church (The first time i have been since last Christmas eve) and i was reminded throughout why i hate church, religion, etc. For one the whole virgin birth thing was a very popular trick that rulers and people in power had been claiming since the Egyptian pharohs used it to show that "GOD" wanted them to be the ruler. Then during the sermon the pastor was basically saying that we need to be aware of the darkness (anything bad in your life that you don't like) in our lives and admit that we need the help of God to solve our problems and that we can't solve them on out own. I think that is a horrible thing to tell people and it reminded me of a south park episode a few weeks ago that took on alcoholism and basically said that alcoholics anonymous tells you that you have to admit you have a problem and a disease and then you have to admit that you can't solve the problem on your own and you are powerless against it. But anyways, then after church i met up with Aaron Bell and Mike Wahn, we socialized and then went to a party at Mike's uncle's house and then went back to Wahn's house and played quarters until 4 am on Christmas day when i felt it was time to go home. I woke up Christmas, opened presents, went to ma and ta's (my grandparents) house, ate lots of meats, sausages, and various Croatian dishes, opened presents, went home, then my aunt, her mother, my uncle, my cousin, and her husband and their kids came over and we ate and socialized, then casey, john, mark and colin came over and we drank and played pool and played quarters. While playing quarters we soon ganged up on john (who was the designated driver) who quickly became the most inebriated and then even quicker became absolutely wasted. We convinced him to take a shot of Blue Curaco and that turned out to be a disgusting shot and made him vomit profusely for quite a while. This was the perfect Christmas, and the way i think our lord and savior jesus would want to be honored.
John having gotten his ass kicked at quarters

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