Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Working on a computer all day leaves little desire to go home and work on a computer :(

Well, well, Well i am currently at work writing my blog entry into outlook so i can send it to myself and post it later. For the first few days i was training and shadowing others, since then i have been answering phones, answering emails, and basically just answering lots of computer problems. It'’s been pretty good so far,occasionally nerve-racking at times since our system for logging calls, as well as all of our various system tools are kinda complicated, and the people calling are generally upset, and there are often system wide problems that affect a bunch of people at the same time, so they all call in bitching. But i can't complain it's a nice job, a nice income, a cool work atmosphere, and i'm generally pretty relaxed and chill so my nerves are never that racked. The company i work for is VCPI (Virtual Care Provider Inc) they are a subsidiary of Extendicare, which is the largest or one of the largest owners of nursing homes in USA and Canada, they have corporate offices in Toronto, and Milwaukee ( I'm in the Milwaukee offices Mark ;) . In 2000 they had the idea to separate the IT branch of Extendicare, and form it'’s own company, and basically sell the services their IT department did to other nursing homes. We have a server farm of about 700 servers that basically holds all the information and data our clients uses, all their programs, pretty much everything they do on their computers. So when the users in various nursing homes log on to their computer they are accessing our servers and running their programs entirely from our servers. Obviously it is a fairly complicated system and there are frequent problems throughout the day. The guys, meaning 95% literally and 5% figuratively, i work with seem relatively cool so far, most of them are not full blown nerds, and it'’s a pretty loose carefree atmosphere, with squishy balls and things flying through the air frequently as we try to hit each other and mess them up while talking to clients. There is one group of guys that go out a lot and drink a lot and generally have a good time. Last friday there was a going away party for another employee and they were having free beer and food McGillacuddies, i enthusiastically went. But before i got there i had the urge to become dazed before hand, why?, i have no idea, but it seemed like a good idea. Once i got there i soon realized there were almost no people my age, most of the attendees seemed to be older corporate people, but nonetheless i had a good time until more younger people and some of my coworkers came. For some odd reason i seem to be more comfortable, and can talk to older people much easier than i can people my own age. Often when i am dazed in a social situation with people my age i become ridiculously quiet, and simply bad at getting conversations going, and contributing, but when i am in the same state of mind i am great at talking with people who are older than i, and great getting convo'’s started and contributing. Once some of my younger colleagues came we went to Brothers, the social group of guys i mentioned earlier then became like the SNL guys from "a night in the roxbury". They literally got in a circle at the top of the stairs and when girls walked through they would start dancing with them and grinding with them, many girls danced with them, few stayed very long. Obviously this wasn't my scene, but it was still interesting to observe for a while.

(This is another entry that i wrote on my laptop last weekend)

i am on the deck in my backyard, activating my melanin
, and finally trying to finish a post. i have been gainfully employed for a week and a half, i spend my days on a computer, answering computer questions, talking to nurses from across the country, mostly nurses from the South, apparently they are a lot less tech-savvy, and due to their vocabulary, and grammar obviously borderline retarded. Unfortunately, after a day of this i am generally not in the mood to be on a computer, so my posts have fallen behind, and i have a ridiculous number of photo'’s to edit and post, 2,176 photo's to be exact, i just counted all the photo's i have recently taken but have yet to edited. But if these are my biggest problems from being employed i think I'’ll be ok.

4/26 First day of work, lots of training, trying to remember names. That night was a concert by The Books at a local bar, the concert was amazing, and they had a music video for every song, the videos included mostly found footage that was edited in sync with the music, kinda like the Leni Riefenstahl Olympic Nazi video.

4/28 Friday, good day at work, still training, that night was a going away party for someone, it was previously mentioned above.

4/29 Went to WAC it in the steamroom, it was a rainy spring day so i drove around tosa, got dazed, took photo'’s of budding trees, and suburban life, then went to Mayfair to shop with MaMarino and tt-winters, that night WAC (Wisconsin Athletic Club) was having a 30th Anniversary Party, 200+ various hor'dourves and desserts, free alcohol, the prospect of some of some athletic or at least weight conscious females, and giving away a ton of stuff, i came mostly for the alcohol. Before i went in i decided to smoke, normally i never smoke before i eat (and i hadn'’t eaten since the morning), and i again learned why. Once i got inside i went straight to one of the many bar areas they had to quench my thirst, i learned that you could order two beers at a time, i ordered two beers. i then walked around to the various hor'dourves, i sampled, got more beer, sampled some more, and got some more beer, this repeated from 7 till about 9 when i started to slow down, i might have left sooner but they were starting the drawing at 9:30 for about 300 different items, with a total value of about $30,000 for all the prizes. i didn'’t end up winning anything, but i certainly had my fill of hor'dourves, and approximately 15-17 beers, but i could be wrong my recording ability, and recollection weren'’t working at 100%. i then went home and passed out either cause i was tired or drunk i can'’t remember which. The next morning i felt huge so i decided to go lose some weight the easiest most relaxing way i know, before i entered the steamroom i weighed myself, i weighed 198, the day before i weighed 185.

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