Olive Trees
Traveling to a Flatball Tournament
a Wiper Wiping
a random glance down
a present i left myself
red red net(that's pink)
pink green white dandelion
picture of a net with increased color saturation,
picture of a net without increased color saturation.
some grass, some different grass, and some other grass
spooky grass spokes
grass pipe
from sushi restaurant at mall food court
mall art
art at same mall
same mall with similar art
camera shaken at playground
midwest and west
where i drank most of my water growing up
red light, blue night
night light
Radiohead fan behind me tired of being photographed
light from lighter
the (Glowing) Gloaming
b burmeister beaming
disgust and disappointment
clearly blurry lights
an excited front row
Sorry i've been a bad blogger,still in an odd funk,but still having funky fun,deceided that i am going to backpack in europe yesterday,currently planning said trip,feel invigorated again.
Perhaps you can enter a photo contest- there are loads of them on line... and with your winnings buy delicious food while in Europe.. :)
(moral of the story, some of your pictures would be serious contenders for picture contests)
Guess that wasn't anonymous being how I left my name. Not sure why I put it as anonymous. I hope you had a good time Sat. night.
Not a bad idea... you're photos are incredible, Mike.
(don't know why i spelled 'your' like that....hmmm.)
Some inspiration... and a slight subliminal message before your travels(!):
I like i feel I want
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