Men generally love games, both physical and mental, but of all the games men love the one game men hate is the mind game that women try to play with us. Let me start at the beginning, i am currently playing said mind games with this girl Amy. She was the one who was ridicoulously kind and sweet and walked me back to my car a few weeks back. So i called her two days later, on sunday, and asked her out for a date sometime the next week, she said sure but that she works monday and wednesday nights, so i asked how about tuesday, valentine's day, she said sure, so we decided to go out for dinner, and possibly a movie afterwards. We went to rock bottom, i brought a rose, we talked and ate, it went very well, then we decided to see the 9:55 showing of Match Point, so i drove us over by the theater and we went to a bar near to have a few beers until the film started. We played pool and darts and talked, however, she kept getting calls and text messages from a friend who she promised to drive somewhere(it's a long legit story, and i am 99% it wasn't to cut the date short). So we left the bar and i drove her back to her car (she insisted we meet at the bar because she thought it would be unfair for me to drive all the way to pick her up in oak creek, since it would be at rush hour, about a 45 min ride to her house from mine, and another 30-40 min from her house to downtown), so we arrived back at the lot she parked in by the restaurant, and we were saying out goodbyes, and she asked me if i wanted to go out again, i, of course, said sure. Then i leaned over to kiss her goodnight and just before i got to her lips, the lot attendant knocked on the window to ask for payment, she turned her head at the last moment, and i kissed her cheek. I don't know for sure whether she turned to give me the cheek to kiss or whether it was because the lot attendant had just knocked on her window, but i'm hopeful for the latter.
The next day she sent me a text message, "Thanx 4 great time last nite! Amy :)", i called her a day or two later, and we had a good conversation, i learned she had been sick since sunday, i had actually started feeling sick on tuesday the day of the date, i also learned she was having an outpatient surgury on Friday, the call ended. I planned on calling Friday in the early evening to see how the surgury went, and cause i thought it was a nice gesture. But she called me on Friday at about 4:30, after she had woken up from a nap after the surgury. It was a pleasant surprise, and i was unbelievably impressed with just how nice, sweet, and atypical she was, or seemed. We were also both still sick and i somehow had also gotten pink eye. On Saturday, she called again during the day and we talked for a while, and talked about hanging out that night. She called later in the day and told me a friend of hers was coming in from Madison and her and some friends were going out, she also said she still wanted to hang out tonight, and asked if i would come meet up with her and her friends at the bar they were going to, i said maybe and asked what she was doing tomarrow in case i didn't meet her and her friends that night, so we made tentative plans for the next day, and before the call ended she again said she hoped i could meet her and her friends at the bar they were going to. I then wanted to meet up with her later at the bar and thought it would be a good idea. So after having a few drinks with some friends on water street, i went to flannery's, at about 11:45, were they would be at, it all went very well they all seemed very nice, and talkative, and i left them about an hour later when they were going to another bar.
The next day she said she would call before of after this meeting she had a 2 pm, she never called, the next afternoon she sent a text message, " sorry i didn't call- busy day! talk 2 u later Amy :)", i called her the next afternoon after she got out of work, but it went to voicemail and i left a message, she still hasn't called back.
While i know i am overreacting and overthinking everything, i am still bothered at these apparent games she seems to be playing. i realize that there is quite possibly and maybe even definately an innocent reason for these actions that i am interpreting as games. But, unfortunately, this is the way the male brain works, and we often try to figure out women but have no idea. i interpret her lack of returning my calls (i am aware that she hasn't returned my calls for a relatively short period of time, but i am just comparing it to how frequently and often she would call me previously) as her trying to establish some control and to see how needy i am, and how much space i will give her. i do also realize the the length and amount of details i have provided may appear needy, and obsessive, but again i think for most guys reading this they would understand and think it is natural and normal, while i am not sure and curious what women whould think reading this. One possible hypothesis i have is that after i met her friends, they told her to play hard to get and play these specific games with me to test me. They seem out of character for her, and contradictory to how she was previously acting, such as offering to walking 8 blocks back to my car in 25 degree weather. I further hypothesize that women are not like this naturally, they naturally wouldn't play these games, but they are told by their friends that this is how they are supposed to do it because other friends have told them that's how to do it, and dating books and other sources have told them that is how they are supposed to do it. Previously she called me when she said she would or when she seemed to wanted to. Oh and just to tell a little more about her she is 22, working on her thesis for her master degree in occupational therapy. So needless to say she is very smart, and very dedicated to school and finishing. Any thoughts?
The ball is in her court the waiting game and hopefully all will be well. (can I add any more cliches?)
She sounds pretty great Wolfman, my only thought on the subject is perhaps overanalyzing could become a problem. From what you have said so far it sounds like she is interested for sure, so don't worry so much about what her friends might be thinking or might be instructing her to do, just keep her interested in crazy sexy cool man simply known as the wolfman.
wolf man amy is a dumb bitch quit wasting yer blogging space on her!! instead give jenny a try!
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